Exposição de Mário Macilau, 27 de julho, NAIROBI

KUONA TRUST Center for Visual Arts in Nairobi, A Embaixada do Reino Unido e da Holanda em Nairobi, apresentam o trabalho final do artista Moçambicano, Mário Macilau, que está em residência artística no Kenya.

Estamos vivendo um momento histórico de agravamento dos sérios problemas ambientais no mundo. As diversas pesquisas divulgadas nos últimos anos comprovam que a relação do homem com a natureza tem sido extremamente predatória, nos levando a uma crise ecológica nunca vista antes, que além de afectar a dinâmica dos ecossistemas em todo o mundo, coloca em risco a própria manutenção da vida humana na Terra.

LIVING ON THE EDGE OF THE WORLD é uma exposição individual do fotografo e videasta Mário Macilau que integra fotografias em grande formato sobre afalha humana em relação ao tratamento do meio ambiente. A exposição será também composta por uma instalação adaptada que abrange novos vídeos e som ambiente gravados em Nairobi.

19.07.2012 | por candela | artista moçambicano, exposição de fotografia, Kenya, Kuona Trust, Mário Macilau, Nairobi

'Ordinary Rendition' / Peterson Kamwathi

Untitled Study, 2011Untitled Study, 2011

Peterson Kamwathi Waweru, born 1980 in Nairobi, has occupied himself for a long time with symbols and their meaning. In the exhibition he shows current drawings, woodcarving and graffiti, negotiating the historical, social and psychological mechanisms of conditioning and manipulation not only in his own society.

There is also a new publication - a cooperation with the Goethe-Institut and Verlag fuer Moderne Kunst Nürnberg, edited by J. Hossfeld and U. Vierke.

Exhibition from 27.11.11 to 04.03.12

Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth, Germany




01.11.2011 | por nadinesiegert | Africa, Art, Bayreuth, exhibition, Iwalewa-Haus, Kenya, Peterson Kamwathi

'Not in the title' / Sam Hopkins

Not in the title / photocollage 2011Not in the title / photocollage 2011

Sam Hopkins´ installation „Not in the title“ is inspired by Nigerian and Ghanaian horror movies from the collection of the Iwalewa-Haus. A selection of these movies is shown in the original version mixed with manipulated sequences that are integrated digitally. The installation asks about authenticity and searches for the reception of global artworks in a local context.

Sam Hopkins lives in Nairobi (Kenya). His art is concerned with public space and interactivity. Examples are the media collective Slum TV and Urban Mirror Nairobi.

Exhibition from 27-11-11 / 04-03-12

Iwalewa-Haus, University of Bayreuth, Germany




01.11.2011 | por nadinesiegert | Africa, Art, exhibition, Kenya, Nigeria, Nollywood, Sam Hopkins

Call for Applications Wasanii International Artists Workshop, Kenya 2011

Closing Date 20th march 2011 . Applications received after this date will not be considered. Please allow plenty of time if you are posting from overseas.  

From 14st – 28th August 2011, Kuona Trust Centre for Visual Arts will be holding it’s 11th International Artists’ Workshop and are inviting applications from visual artists and art writers working in all disciplines.Wasanii International Arists’ Workshop is part of the larger Triangle Network workshops and this year’s theme is “In Conversation”. The emphasis this year is on discussion, dialogue and debate, though artists will not be discouraged from making art, the goal of this workshop is to encourage conversation around artists’ practice and to document this artistic exchange across cultures.

The two-week workshop will bring together a group of artists and writers working in various disciplines to share ideas, experiences inspired by the context, discourse and the opportunity to work alongside other artists.

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23.02.2011 | por nadinesiegert | Kenya, residency, workshop




Applications received after this date will not be considered.  Please allow plenty of time if you are posting from overseas.


21.02.2011 | por martalanca | Kenya, workshop