Applications are now open for the CES Summer School ARCHIVES OF THE PRESENT | RACISM, ACTIVISM, AND REMEMBRANCE (2 to 6 September, 2019), and the programme is already online. This Summer School engages with international struggles for racial justice and the contemporary politics of remembrance. Through interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of multiple processes and initiatives for the memorialization of European colonialism and its legacy (e.g. monuments, commemorations, exhibitions, digital media, arts, education, community libraries), the School aims to produce an archive of the present with contributions from academics and anti-racist activists from a variety of contexts, namely Belgium, Brazil, Cape Verde, Finland, France, the Netherlands, Portugal, the United Kingdom and the United States.

21.02.2019 | por martalanca | ACTIVISM, racism, REMEMBRANCE

Racism, Eurocentrism and Political Struggle

3 - 9 September 2017, Rooms 1 and 2, CES-Coimbra

This Summer School addresses debates and contemporary struggles against racism and Eurocentrism at three levels: in the production of knowledge, public policy and grassroots movements. Its main objectives are: a) to discuss the Eurocentric knowledge production of the history of (anti-)colonialism, enslavement and racism, through the questioning of concepts and dominant approaches in the political and academic world; b) to discuss key concepts for understanding complex political processes (in particular, racial state, violence, nation, citizenship); c) to present a variety of research cases in different international contexts and with different disciplinary approaches (Sociology, History, Philosophy, Political Economy, Geography); d) to promote a critical analysis of public policies for integration and for combating discrimination; e) to engage in dialogue with the alternatives that have been proposed by grassroots movements in challenging Eurocentric knowledge production and dissemination, including the presentation of initiatives in the context of informal education and education through arts.
The School aims to promote a dialogue between the production of knowledge in academia and grassroots movements, considering the power relations and political struggles that condition this dialogue and the possible articulations between the two areas.
Target participants: Graduate students in social sciences and humanities, political activists and members of NGOs in the field of anti-racism and human rights, school teachers in the fields of Sociology, History and Geography, journalists.
Coordinators: Marta Araújo and Silva R. Maeso


Anabela Rodrigues (AMI-AFRO Laboratory, GTO-LX)
Bruno Gonçalves (ROMED and SOS Racismo)
Cristina Roldão (CIES – University Institute of Lisbon)
Gaia Giuliani (CES and University of Padova)
Guiomar Sousa (Activist)
Katy P. Sian (University of York)
Kwame Nimako (Black Europe Summer School - Amsterdam)
Mamadou Ba (SOS Racismo)
Mario Espinoza Pino (Instituto DM – Democracia y Municipalismo) 
Marta Araújo (CES)
Party of the Indigenous of the Republic (France)
Sabine Broeck (University of Bremen)
Silvia Rodríguez Maeso (CES)
Early registration: until May 31, 2017


23.05.2017 | por martalanca | Eurocentrism, Political Struggle, racism