Tatiana Macedo: "Seems so long ago, Nancy"

4 Windmill Street is proud to present the full UK premiere of Portuguese artist Tatiana Macedo’s film debut, Seems So Long Ago, Nancy (HDCAM | 45” | 2012). Shot on location at Tate Modern and Tate Britain, London over the course of three months, the film fluctuates between the subject of gallery assistant and the neoclassical and postmodern architectural spaces they occupy.

Separated from the curated programme surrounding the employee and the uniformed visitor service role they are positioned to operatein; Seems So Long Ago, Nancy acts as a passive lens without a‘countershot’, or point of view shot, as if the gallery is looking from within. This introspection is compounded by chasmic moments of reverberation in background chatter, met equally head on with moments of silence and contemplation.

Seems So Long Ago, Nancy premiered at the international film festival Doclisboa, Portugal in October 2012 and extracts have been screened at Tate Britain, London (2012) and the Stedelijk Museum Bureau Video Programme, Amsterdam (2012). The screening at 4 Windmill Street is accompanied by a supporting photography exhibition and a limited edition production still selection.

Opening 21 N 6PM-9PM UNTIL 15 DECEMBER, 2012.

20.11.2012 | por herminiobovino | cinema, cinema português, London

Brixton Uprising 1981

do “Black Peoples Day” para o “The Day the Blacks Ran Riot”

Após a II GM, a chamada Windrush Generation [composta por negros da West Índia britânica], desembarcou no Reino Unido, para horror de grande parte da população branca. Os filhos desta geração revoltaram-se contra a passividade dos pais e a falta de oportunidades, sobretudo no emprego. Em 1981, um incêndio intencional de uma casa onde se comemorava um aniversário, resultou na morte de 13 adolescentes negros.



After the deaths of 13 young black people in a fire in New Cross which to this day remains unsolved theblakc community was outraged by the indifferenet reaction form the police and the government. In March of that year a march of 15,000 titled Black Peoples Day of action took place between New Cross and Central London. Despite provocation from the police the demonstration was peaceful although the Sun headline the next day stated “The Day the Blacks Ran Riot”. Later that year the police launched Operation Swamp where a thousand young black men were stopped and searched in a three day period in the Brixton area.. Evidence planting, beatings on the street and in the cells were common and racial abuse a daily occurence …

Black History

13.08.2011 | por martalanca | black history, London


17.03.2011 | por martalanca | London, música