Letter in support of Mamadou Ba and political antiracism in Portugal

Letter in support of Mamadou Ba and political antiracism in Portugal In the last weeks, political tensions in Portugal have arisen following public demonstrations of extreme right organizations that have also threatened anti-racist activists. On August 11, black antiracist activist Mamadou Ba and other nine persons (antiracist, antifascist and LGBT rights activists, MPs and trade union leaders) received an e-mail sent by a neo-Nazi movement that threatened them and their families if they did not leave the country in the next 48 hours.


02.09.2020 | by vários

Thank you, Mamadou Ba!

Thank you, Mamadou Ba! These latest events strip bare the racist system in which we live, enforced by the police and through normalised acts of violence against black people of all ages and sexes, and with the continued impunity of those responsible, reaching a level that can no longer be tolerated.


25.01.2019 | by vários