Jornalism VS Content Production in Angolan Context

Jornalism VS Content Production in Angolan Context It’s having for background the growing influence of the Internet/Social Networks in Angola and the extraordinary increase in information available from the most diverse sources, the importance of the role of the journalist among us has also been increasing, as is the case in other geographical contexts.

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04.04.2024 | by Reginaldo Silva

The tree of life: political values, cognitive tools and the transformative power of the media

The tree of life: political values, cognitive tools and the transformative power of the media The regenerative pillars of society: in order to regenerate, to ill, to let something healthy grow again, we need democratic participation, environmental sustainability, social inclusion, and cultural diversity. These would be the main political goals. The cognitive tools to walk this way are critical thinking, artistic creativity, ethical technology and… that’s my point, the transformative power of media.

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25.08.2019 | by Carla Baptista