[Documentário] Palavra (en)cantada – Helena Solberg

Literatura Brasileira, ou vice-versa

Palavra (En)Cantada é um documentário de longa-metragem (86min), dirigido por Helena Solberg, que percorre uma viagem na história do cancioneiro brasileiro com um olhar especial para a relação entre poesia e música. Dos poetas provençais ao rap, do carnaval de rua aos poetas do morro, da bossa nova ao tropicalismo, Palavra (En)cantada passeia pela música brasileira até os dias de hoje, costurando depoimentos de grandes nomes da nossa cultura, performances musicais e surpreendente pesquisa de imagens.

Leia mais aqui

04.12.2011 | by martalanca | documentário, música, palavra, poesia

BUALA em Clermont-Ferrand

lundi 5 décembre 2011 09:00 jusqu’à 12:00

Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, 4 rue Ledru, Clermont-Ferrand, France

“Interculturalité et lusophonie”, par Marta Lança, editeur du site Buala (http://www.buala.org/fr).
Réflexions sur les échanges culturels, l’imaginaire et l’interculturalité dans les pays de langue portugais, à partir d’une présentation du site Buala, premier portail multidisciplinaire de réflexion, critique et documentation des cultures africaines contemporaines en langue portugaise, qui produit des textes traduits en français et anglais.

04.12.2011 | by martalanca | buala

Ciclo de Cinema CineMulheres,

É já esta segunda-feira, 5 de Dezembro, que se inicia o Ciclo de Cinema CineMulheres, no CCIF, com o filme UM DIA INESQUECÍVEL. Após o filme, a historiadora Irene Pimentel e Luís Ribeiro, professor do IST e co-organizador desta inciativa, conduzem uma conversa, a partir do filme. O Ciclo regressa na quarta-feira desta mesma semana e prolonga-se até 14 de Dezembro. A entrada é livre!

04.12.2011 | by martalanca | mulheres

study bursaries for MA and PhD students

The Sainsbury Research Unit for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas is able to offer a number of scholarships and study bursaries for MA and PhD students entering in September 2012. Would you please circulate the attached poster to any colleagues and/or final year students and postgraduates who might be interested in knowing about these opportunities?

The deadline for consideration for scholarships is 1 March 2012.  Further information on scholarships, the Sainsbury Research Unit and applications for entry in 2012 can be found at www.sru.uea.ac.uk.


03.12.2011 | by martalanca | bursaries

programa ZONA FRANCA 1ª semana de dezembro

mais uma série de concertos e actividades no zona franca.
para combater o frio de dezembro juntemo-nos no calor da dança e música



02.12.2011 | by martalanca | concertos, zona franca

The ‘green race’ to win back the environment

watch the video here 


Isabel Marques da Silva, euronews:

Almost 200 world leaders will meet in Durban, South Africa, to discuss the challenge of climate change. The future of the Kyoto Protocol, how to finance the Green Climate Fund and perspectives for a green economy are some of the topics on the agenda. With us is Kumi Naidoo, Executive Director of Greenpeace International. Thank you for accepting euronews’ invitation. There is some political indifference to these challenges in climate change. How can Durban address this problem?

Kumi Naidoo, Greenpeace International:

The only way we are going to get out of the current financial crisis is to re-image and re-invent our global economy moving forward. And part of that solution is to actually invest seriously in the green economy, which has the potential to grow our economies, but more importantly to generate millions of new decent jobs in an new green economy. So, it is a bit disappointing, but i think is shortsighted on the part of political leaders at the moment.


The Kyoto Protocol that is going to expire in 2012, might have an extension until 2015. It is being discussed and it is being pushed by European Union, Australia, Norway. Do you believe that in Durban important steps will be taken towards keeping Kyoto Protocol alive until we get a new global treaty?

Keep reading "The ‘green race’ to win back the environment"

02.12.2011 | by martalanca | environment, euronews