MANIFEST - Novas Perspetivas Artísticas sobre as Memórias do Comércio Transatlântico de Pessoas Escravizadas

Showcase do projeto MANIFEST - Novas Perspetivas Artísticas sobre as Memórias do Comércio Transatlântico de Pessoas Escravizadas, que irá decorrer no dia 23 de outubro de 2023, na Rua de São Marçal, 7, junto ao Pólo da Junta de Freguesia da Misericórdia. 
O projeto MANIFEST é um projeto co-financiado pela Europa Criativa, focado na importância da arte para a memória coletiva, que pretende divulgar novas perspetivas artísticas que reflitam sobre o tema do comércio transatlântico de pessoas escravizadas. O projeto, que envolve criação audiovisual, realidade virtual e realidade aumentada, conta com uma Artistic Journey com várias etapas, entre as quais uma residência artística em Lisboa que irá trazer a Portugal 22 artistas provenientes de mais de 10 países diferentes, depois de um processo de seleção que envolveu um call internacional onde participaram 227 artistas.
Este Showcase será a primeira oportunidade para o público entrar em contacto com os trabalhos artísticos que estão a ser desenvolvidos no âmbito do projeto, bem como conhecer e conversar com os artistas.
As portas do evento abrirão às 17h, e, a partir das 18h, haverá apresentações individuais de cada um dos 12 projetos. Pode saber mais sobre todos os trabalhos neste link.

19.10.2023 | by martalanca | escravatura, manifest

Manifest Artistic Journey — Call for Artists

Trade of enslaved people and slavery has existed worldwide since the earliest Antiquity. These phenomena have adversely impacted Europe, the Mediterranean basin, and Africa for millennia. But at some point in modern times, we went from slaves of a multiplicity of origins on European soil to an almost African uniqueness of slavery in the Americas. MANIFEST: New artistic perspectives on memories of the transatlantic trade of enslaved people aims to contribute to and enhance the re-imagination of Europe’s collective memory of the transatlantic trade of enslaved people.

By organising an Artistic Journey which includes art residencies in Budapest/Zsennye, Lisbon and Copenhagen the Project seeks to empower artists to approach the subject matter, re-imagining the history of the transatlantic trade of enslaved people from the perspective of its links in the European continent and its existing cultural traces. Selected artists will create art designed to promote an artistic look into the past collective memory. Along this Journey, artists and creators will be encouraged to fully take advantage of new technologies and foster personal capacity building.

Artists and creators who are legal residents in the countries within the Creative Europe framework can apply starting from October 26, 2022, till November 27, 2022. For more information on eligibility, conditions and application process, please visit


MANIFEST: New artistic perspectives on memories of the transatlantic trade of enslaved people is a project funded by the European Commission under the Creative Europe Programme that will run until November 2024. It is implemented by a Consortium led by Khora, the world’s first combined virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) production house based in Copenhagen. The consortium is joined by Les Anneaux de la Mémoire, France’s leading association working with the themes of the history and heritage of the Atlantic trade of enslaved people and colonial enslavement; Pro Progressione, a Budapest-based artistic hub specialising in international collaborations in the field of culture; Gerador, an independent Portuguese platform for journalism, culture and education; and CUMEDIAE, a Brussels-based international non-profit agency providing consultancy services in the field of CCIs European-wide.

Sign up for our newsletter and follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter) to receive updated information on the MANIFEST project.

10.10.2022 | by Alícia Gaspar | culture, cumediae, discussion, european union, gerador, khora, manifest, memories, open call, open call for artists, post-colonialism, transatlantic trade of enslaved people