The Black Man with the Bible in his Hand

The Black Man with the Bible in his Hand Am I a sin to God? Religious interpretation—violence in the name of God—is killing lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex persons. They might not have killed me on that bus, but have you ever seen a bus full of people, filled with the ecstasy of God? Ready to defend his words to the sinners, to stone, to judge? Those are who we live with, eat with, ride a bus with. How are we safe?


16.04.2021 | by Brindley J. Fortuin

Women of Color in Film: An Interview with JT Takagi & Ada Gay Griffin

Women of Color in Film: An Interview with JT Takagi & Ada Gay Griffin The oppressive policies and structural inequities that underlie the conditions of poor and working class people’s lives here and abroad date from the first invasion of native territories, and the last few decades have exacerbated these conditions. What our older films reveal is the similarity of conditions now with what existed 50 years ago.

Face to face

03.03.2021 | by Keelyn Bradley