If Truth Was a Woman…

If Truth Was a Woman… It comes to the present time and looks at African struggle fighters – the construction of the sole hero- and the possibilities that the archive should include other partners by featuring their spouses names in the conversation, however, open to other additions and manners in which to author our histories.

Face to face

31.05.2016 | by Euridice Kala

Market, Visibility and Sustainability for Contemporary African Art: a conversation with Touria El Glaoui, director of 1:54.

Market, Visibility and Sustainability for Contemporary African Art: a conversation with Touria El Glaoui, director of 1:54. Our original strategy was always to bring African artists to the international stage, which I think is what is missing, and maybe one day we would be very happy to go but I think there are many other places where we can go, which we are trying to do already, for example, workshops for galleries, for artists. I think there’s much more on the educational side of things that we can bring with our knowledge to the continent than having a commercial initiative about sales.

Face to face

08.05.2016 | by Icaro Ferraz Vidal Junior