Social Protests in Morocco and the So-Called “Arab” “Spring”

Social Protests in Morocco and the So-Called “Arab” “Spring” In Morocco, unlike other countries, despite the enormous popular support for the protests, which took place simultaneously in several cities on February 20, 2011, and that re-occurred sometimes on a weekly basis during that year, there were no calls (with some timid exceptions) based on the famous slogan “the people want the fall of the regime.” This would become a somewhat taboo slogan, either for fear of jeopardizing the monarchical regime, whose legitimacy is presented as being unquestionable, or by an apparently sincere devotion of a significant portion of the population towards the Moroccan monarchy. JSF#2

Games Without Borders

28.03.2016 | by Hugo Maia

Interview with Tahar Ben Jelloun, “A book about love can be political”

Interview with Tahar Ben Jelloun, “A book about love can be political” He is Moroccan and French at the same time. He writes in French and nowadays looks at the social and cultural transformations in the countries of the Arab Spring. And expects the new France will adopt a different attitude relating to dictatorships. With his two passports and the belief in the writer’s role of “criticizing, denunciating, and intervening”, Tahar Ben Jelloun was at Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation at the end of June for a conference in which his aim was “explaining the Arab Spring”.

Face to face

03.09.2012 | by Sofia Lorena