a biographical ability - Ruy Duarte de Carvalho

a biographical ability - Ruy Duarte de Carvalho And I believe, having arrived at this point in life, that I can’t stop wanting to understand that the world, all over and not just here, conspires and produces utilizing always, or almost always, the use and abuse of others’ good faith. I’m afraid I will never be able, even oldish, to resign to this and become the subject well done, dissimulated, pirate, adaptable and finally adapted, that never, throughout my entire life, have I managed to be.

Ruy Duarte de Carvalho

31.08.2010 | by Ruy Duarte de Carvalho

Tamoda the Master - A character in Angolan fiction

Tamoda the Master - A character in Angolan fiction Can you imagine the Portuguese language at the centre of a learning-at-play exercise in the heart of Angola, where the main character, the protagonist, has no kind of academic training? It’s possible. In fact, in a tale told by the writer Uanhenga Xitu, it happens.

Face to face

18.08.2010 | by Luis Kandjimbo

Angola film industry at a glance

Angola film industry at a glance Angola is a leading oil producer in Africa and one might have expected that some of the financial benefits of this valuable commodity would be passed onto the country’s film industry. Veteran Angolan filmmaker Mariano Bartolomeu provides an insight into the state of the film and television industry in this Portuguese speaking country.


14.08.2010 | by Martin Chemhere

Tchiloli of S.Tomé or Charlemagne in Africa

Tchiloli of S.Tomé or Charlemagne in Africa Tchiloli is a story of blood and justice that the local people have made their own. They have turned it into a way to raise their voices against opression but also to retie their links with their African ancestors. Behind the colourful spectacle there is a hidden invocation to their ancestors, in references to a cult that was forbidden under colonial rule. Defeat comes, but there emerges an identity in territory that the first players could take for their own as a means of survival.


12.08.2010 | by Agnela Barros

The mysterious rock carvings of Tchitundo-hulo

The mysterious rock carvings of Tchitundo-hulo One of the most important archeological sites in southwest Angola, Tchitundo-hulo, lies in a semi-arid region on the edge of the Namib desert. The site comprises an imposing granite inselberg, with three smaller hills nearby. These smaller inselbergs are known as Tchitundo-hulo Mucai, Pedra da Lagoa (Lake Rock), and Pedra das Zebras (Zebra Rock). The inselbergs all feature carvings engraved upon the rockface.

I'll visit

09.08.2010 | by Dario Melo