Book temporarily unavailable as it is under review.

To Routledge July 10th, 2023

Dear Routledge Editors We address your Publisher as a collective of victims of harassment involving Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Bruno Sena Martins in the context of Boaventura de Sousa Santos’ academic teams. Our collective is currently formed of seven women, of Brazilian, Portuguese, Peruvian and Mexican nationality. Our lived experiences allow us to confirm the abusive pattern described in chapter 12 of the book Sexual Misconduct in Academia: Informing an Ethics of Care in the University. The publication of the book was decisive for our mobilization as a collective and for our decision to gather testimonial and documentary evidence that corroborate the various types of violence described in the mentioned chapter. In this sense, we note with great concern the unavailability for sale of the book. Despite our attempts to obtain clarification from the chapter authors, we were unable to get any reply. We, therefore, kindly ask you to, please, add further information. We argue that chapter 12 of the book played an essential role in the identification of a pattern of abuse of power that we recognize from our own experiences.

Mobilized by the chapter, we are organizing a detailed file with an extensive set of documentary and testimonial evidence that proves the wrongful actions and the pattern of sexual and moral harassment described by the authors. The reason why such evidence has not yet been presented is the delay by the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra in initiating any investigation into the allegations. We are waiting for CES to constitute the Independent Commission, so we may present our file, which we also intend to make public. The circulation of the book is of public interest and essential for the process of strengthening the movement of victims of the situations narrated in it and other victims of harassment in the academic environment. We, therefore, kindly ask Routledge to take the necessary steps to rectify the situation and make the book available to the public. We will await the Publisher’s position on the matter exposed here. Sincerely, Victims’ Collective Victims’ Collective contact: Legal representation: Daniela Felix (feminist lawyer) 

Routledge webpage dedicated to the sale of the book “Sexual Misconduct in academia: informing an ethics of care in academia”.

by várias
A ler | 11 July 2023 | CES, Sexual Misconduct in Academia