Duplo vê


Duplo vê*, is at once, the name for the letter W in Portuguese (inspired by the title W ou les souvenirs d’enfance by George Perec) and also the “double sight” of a cross-eyed God. Duplo vê could have a subtitle: essay on the strabismus of God.

There is a temptation probably as old as the appearance of man: the desire to see other realities behind reality. This disposition infinitely multiplies the possibilities of interpretation and the meaning of things and makes it impossible to name things exactly as they are. This atavism — to see things behind other things — is born of a malformation of the eye of God, a convergent strabismus so severe that translates into duplication. These asymptotes realities are no more than the symmetrical reflection of the same, a Tautology. 

The Duplo vê project has three autonomous directions: 
1. an exhibition: Duplo vê was at Casa das Histórias in Cascais, Portugal (from September 29th till November 13th 2016). 
2. a website: www.dupluvedupluvedupluve.com 
3. a book: Duplo vêThe Tautologist (available from April 2017).
Each manifestation contributes to the entirety of the editorial plan. 

Like in the exhibition, the website is made of 18 tables over which are exhibited 258 drawings. Each drawing has its idiosyncrasy — as a particular event in the unveiling of a story —, even though it belongs to a bigger story that gathers several drawings like As Metamorfoses das Sombras [The Metamorphosis of the Shadows], A Guerra das Formas [The War of Shapes], W ou a Vida Selvagem [W or The Wild Life], O Quarto Nupcial do Anti-Globo [The Nuptial Bedroom of the Anti-Globe], A Nova Teoria do Sacrifício [The New Theory of Sacrifice] or yet A História Fantástica do Mergulho [The Fantastic Story of the Diving]. Each drawing contaminates another, each story contaminates others. Story A is near story C; in story C there is a detail that belongs to story B; story B, in its turn, has chromatic similarities with story F, and so forth. These numerous combinations feed the possibility of an endless story. 
The user can navigate through the tables and, in each one, access each drawing, its title and the commentary of authors that have elective affinities with Mattia Denisse’s work. 
Duplo vê is a project by Mattia Denisse and Dois Dias edições. Project coordination is done by Lígia Afonso, and website design and implementation was done by André Sousa. 


Pedro Paiva e Rui Paiva  

Sara & André 

by Mattia Denisse
Mukanda | 17 February 2017 | Duplo Vê, Mattia Denisse