
Born in Luanda (1977), Angola, Ondjaki is a prosaist, writer, and poet, who is also experienced in visual arts, theater, and cinema. He is a member of the Angola Writers Union, and of the Associação Protetora do Anonimato dos Gambozinos[1] [Association for the Protection of the Snipes’ Anonymousness]. In 2000, he won second place in the literary contest António Jacinto in Angola, and published his first book, Actu Sanguíneu (“Bloody Act”). He directed the documentary film Oxalá cresçam pitangas – histórias da Luanda (“I hope the cayenne cherries grow – stories from Luanda”), in partnership with moviemaker Kiluanje Liberdade. In 2007, he was awarded the Camilo Castelo Branco Grand Prize in the short story category for his book Os da Minha Rua(“Those who Live in my Street”). He received the Grinzane Cavour Award in Ethiopia as best African writer in 2008. His book AvóDezanove e o segredo do soviético (“Grandma Dezanove and the Soviet Secret”), published in 2009, was awarded the Jabuti Prize in the juvenile category in 2010.

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