Iolanda Évora

Iolanda Évora, PhD in Social Psychology (USP, Brazil), is a researcher at Center for African and Development Studies (CEsA/ISEG), under the Science Program 2008 of the Foundation for Science and Technology of Portugal (FCT). Since 1998, Professor Évora has conducted research on psychosocial dimensions of Cape Verdean migration. First, she undertook research on women of Cape Verdean origin in Italy and, more recently, on transnationalism, associative processes in migration context and conceptions and discourses on Cape Verdean diaspora inside and outside the archipelago. And secondly, Professor Évora studied healt/immigration-related issues, namely aspects of the perceptions and attitudes of young people to HIV/AIDS. She is currently coordinating a research group on contemporary relations between the Cape Verdean diaspora and the country of origin. Professor Évora is also involved in research teams on organizational processes in contexts of informal work such as fairs and markets in Brazil, Guinea-Bissau and Cape Verde. She teaches courses in Social and Organizational Psychology and Qualitative Methodology in Brazil, Cape Verde and Portugal. In 2005, she co-organized the book “Gender and Cape Verdean Migrations”.