Artists in Residency Programme (AIR)

Connecting Africa’s artists to residencies around the world. The Africa Centre, together with artist in residency programmes in Australia, Brazil, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, South Africa and the United States of America have partnered to create the Artist in Residency (AIR) 2012 programme.  The programme has been conceived to support artists from Africa who are provocative, innovative, relevant and highly engaged with both social issues and their art forms. 

AIR manifests through existing artist in residency partnerships around the world that are prepared to select an artist from a short list provided by the Africa Centre, created from a Continental search, for one of their 2012 or 2013 residencies.
The costs of the residency and roundtrip airfare are included in each residency award made as part of this programme.

The residencies are available to all types of artists, but each residency on offer has different durations, structures and requirements. We are taking applications between 1 April and 15 June 2012. 

To apply or to find out more about the ten residencies available, please Click here. If you have any queries please email:


30.05.2012 | por franciscabagulho | open call