24th SWAHILI COLLOQUIUM, University of Bayreuth, from 03 June to 05 June 2011

The Swahili Colloquium
The Swahili Colloquium has become a well-established forum in Bayreuth. Every year, we invite scholars and researchers from different disciplines, who work on various aspects of the language and the respective culture(s) to this unique colloquium. The multidisciplinary approach and the wide range of contributions from linguistics, literary studies to anthropology and history particularly account for the appeal of the colloquium. We are always looking forward to welcoming you all including new participants at the Swahili Colloquium. 

This year’s thematic focus
The 24th Swahili Colloquium will have a special thematic focus on ‘Swahili and Modernity’. This thematic focus suggests a concentration on modernising processes rooted in the 20th century, and essentially implies a perspective of change. It is an approach that promises interesting interdisciplinary discussions, as it can be fruitfully applied to linguistic change(s),
in considerations of innovations in the literary field mirroring fundamental social changes as well as in studies of social and cultural transformations. Although we would

like to suggest ‘Swahili and Modernity’ as a common point of discussion, this does not mean that we will not consider papers dealing with other topics, as the Swahili Colloquium tries not only to stimulate thematically-oriented interdisciplinary discussions, but also intends to provide a forum open to various contributions related to Swahili.  

We would like to ask you to give your paper either in Swahili or English. Each contribution will be granted 30 minutes (including ten minutes of discussion). Please register via email (to swahili@uni-bayreuth.de) and send us the title as well as a short abstract of your presentation till 30 March 2011. If your presentation is going to be in Swahili, we kindly ask you for a short English summary. Please also register if you merely intend to participate without giving a paper. 

If you have any questions, please, do not hesitate to contact us. You can reach us via the following email address: swahili@uni-bayreuth.de
We are looking forward to welcoming you at the 24th Swahili Colloquium in Bayreuth.  
Kind regards, 
Prof. Gabriele Sommer, Dr. des. Clarissa Vierke, Prof. Said A. M. Khamis


16.02.2011 | by nadinesiegert | Conference, language, SWAHILI

aprender SWAHILI

O SWAHILI (também conhecido po Kiswahili) é uma das línguas mais conhecidas do grupo Banto e uma das línguas mais faladas na África Oriental. É usada como língua nacional no Quénia, Tanzânia e Uganda e tem milhões de falantes que a utilizam como segunda língua, permitindo que sirva como uma língua franca entre os diversos grupos étnicos do Leste Africano (algumas regiões do Burundi, Republica Democrática do Congo, Ruanda, Somalia e Moçambique), sendo também escolhida como uma das línguas oficiais da União Africana. Além disso, o SWAHILI tem também falantes em diversas ilhas situadas no extremo oeste do Oceano Índico (Zanzibar, Pemba, Máfia, Lamu e Comores) e ainda áreas do extremo norte de Madagáscar.

Os conteúdos Programáticos deste curso livre empenham-se na conversação, escrita, leitura, características gramaticais,  tradução de textos,  etc.

Keep reading "aprender SWAHILI"

20.10.2010 | by martalanca | SWAHILI