BALDIO Performance Studies Regional Research Cluster, Montemor-o-Novo, Portugal

Image de Isabel Brison, Fim do InvernoImage de Isabel Brison, Fim do Inverno

Baldio is a place to rehearse an interdisciplinary, politically committed approach merging theory and practice in the arts, humanities and social sciences, which is commonly understood as Performance Studies.

This project was conceived in June 2011, when we decided to apply to the PSiRegional Research Clusters program with the project Generative Indirections, an international meeting of artists and researchers in Performance Studies.  This meeting will take place in September 2013.

Researching the relations between ongoing artistic, social and political forms of life, Generative Indirections intends to explore the potentialities of performance studies in the critical space between the Social Sciences, Humanities and Art, and give voice to counter hegemonic epistemologies, blurring theory and practice. In-direction thus becomes a magnetic field, moving between theory and practice, challenging disciplinary boundaries in order to question how Performance Studies can be received  in Portugal. more info:

16.05.2013 | by franciscabagulho | Performance Studies